The V7-83 Universal HF Voltmeter measures voltage and power levels of continuous and pulse-modulated signals.

The multirange input of the measurement channel No 1 is designed for measuring

rms level of low and high frequency voltage signals using an electrothermal method.

It is realized as a connector on the front panel of the
V7-83 Measurement Unit.

Input No 2 of the second measurement channel is realized as the external Probe P1, which uses an external two-channel amplitude converter based on Schottky diodes and is connected to the Voltmeter Measurement Unit. This channel is designed for measuring average level of CW and pulse-modulated voltage signals and low and high frequency power.

Input No 3 of the third measurement channel is realized as the external probe P2, which uses an external amplitude converter based on Schottky diodes and is connected to the Voltmeter Measurement Unit. This input is designed for measuring the increased level of the continuos voltage and power signals of low-and high frequency.

Digital indicator readings of the voltage measured in the V7-83 Universal HF Voltmeter channels are calibrated in rms values of harmonic signals.


Operating temperature range: 5ºС to 40 ºС (extreme range from –50 ºС to +50 ºС)

Power: 220±22 V, 50±0.5 Hz, up to 5 % of mains harmonics content

Power consumption: < 30 VА

MTBF: 10 000 hours

Interface: GPIB (GOST 26003)

Dimensions and weight:

Measurement Unit: 230х185х76 mm; 3 kg

External Probe 1 Ø20 mm х 100 mm; 0.3 kg

External Probe 2 Ø20 mm х 100 mm; 0.3 kg


Table 1 shows the V7-83 Universal HF Voltmeter specifications in the CW signal level measurement mode.


Characteristics value

Input No 1

«Вход» connector of the
Measurement Unit

Input No 2

Probe P1

Input No 3

Probe P2

Voltage signals level range Ux

10 mV–150 V
in subranges with finite limits Uп =0.1;1;10;100 V

10 mV–10 V
in subranges with finite limits
Ur=1; 10 V

1–100 V
in subranges with finite limits
Ur=10; 100 V

Рх Power signals level range

Not rated

2 mW–2 W
in subranges with finite limits
Рr=2 mW; 2 W

20 mW–200 W
in subranges with finite limits
Рr=2; 200 W

Frequency range

5 Hz–30 MHz

10 kHz–1500 MHz

10 kHz –1500 MHz

Basic accuracy of Uх voltage signal level measurement in a normal frequency range

±[0.2+0.02(Ur/Uх–1)] %
at Ur 0.1;1;10;
100 V

±[0.2+0.04(Ur/Uх–1)] %
at Ur=1 V;
±[0.2+0.008(Ur/Uх–1)] %
at Ur=10 V

±[0.2+0.008(Ur/Uх–1)] %
at Ur= 10 V;
±[0.2+0.001(Ur/Uх–1)] %
at Ur=100 V

Basic accuracy of CW power signals level measurement in a normal frequency range

Not rated

±[0.4+0.08(Рr/Рх–1)] %
at Рr=1 mW;
±[0.4+0.016(Рr/Рх–1)] %
at Рr=2 W

±[0.4+0.016(Рr/Рх–1)] %
at Рr=2 W;
±[0.4+0.002(Рr/Рх–1)] %
at Рr=200 W

Voltage signals level measurement accuracy in an extended frequency range

± 0.5 to ± 5 %

± 0.2 to ± 8 %

± 0.2 to ± 8 %

Power signals level measurement accuracy in an extended frequency range

Not rated

± 0.4 to ± 16 %

± 0.4 to ± 16 %


Not rated

1.1 to 1.3

1.1 to 1.3

Input resistance and capacity

> 1 MOhm;
< 12 pF

0.5 to 3 MOhm,
2.5 to 3 pF

0.5 to 3 MOhm;
2.5 to 3 pF

Table 2 shows the V7-83 Universal Voltmeter specifications in the measurement mode of the pulse-modulated signals, applied to the second input of P1 probe.


Characteristic value

Pulse-modulated voltage signals level range

0.7–10 V
On subranges with finite limits Ur=1; 10 V

Pulse-modulated power signals level range

10 mW–2 W
On subranges with finite limits Рr=2 mW; 2 W

Pulse-modulated signals carrier frequency range

1 to 1500 MHz

Pulse-modulated signals repetition rate range

10 kHz to 100 MHz

Pulse-modulated signals duty cycle Q

1 to 1000

Pulse width range

100 sec to 100 ms

Accuracy of transition from CW signal to pulse-modulated signal

±2 % at Q=1–100;
±4 % at Q=1–1000