JSC "NNRPA n.a. M.V. Frunze" (former JSC "IEM Kvarz")
Russia, 603950, Nizhny Novgorod, pr. Gagarina, 174
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Office of the General Director
Tel: +7 (831) 465-15-87
Fax: +7 (831) 466-66-00
Foreign Trade Dept
Tel/fax: +7 (831) 464-03-41
Please be informed that on 30/June/2017 former joint-stock company “Federal scientific and production centre „Institute of Electronic Measurements „Kvarz” named after A. P. Gorshkov” (JSC “IEM Kvarz”) merged with another R&D (research and development) company. The details of reorganization through merger and the new registered name of former JSC “IEM Kvarz” were registered in Russian Unified Public Register of Legal Entities by record No. 2175275841574 (ГРН) of 30/June/2017 and thus have full legality / validity.
Following the reorganization through merger, from 01/July/2017 former JSC “IEM Kvarz” is acting under the new registered name: joint-stock company “Nizhny Novgorod Research and Production Association named after M. V. Frunze” (JSC “NNRPA n. a. M. V. Frunze”).
JSC “NNRPA n. a. M. V. Frunze” is acting as legal successor of all rights and obligations of former JSC “IEM Kvarz” (including warranty obligations and right to use the registered IEM Kvarz’s trademark – blue circle with oscilloscope trace logo).
The consolidation / merger procedure by no means affects our intention to supply our products and to provide our services to our customers and partners.
We look forward to further mutually advantageous cooperation with our customers and partners.